
Problems With The Industry That Infinity Downline Solves

Is Infinity Downline more then just a money making scheme? I must admit that infinity downline does look extremely flashy like a get rich quick program or something like that, but truth be told infinity downline can help you solve some of the biggest problems that are weighing you down in seeing real success.

Prior to joininig infinity downline, i got involved with traditional mlm and network marketing companies like Le Reve, Lamp Berger and even almost considered joining amway and cosway. Truth be told. i never sponsored more then 3 people in my entire lifetime till i came across infinity downline and literally sponsored close to 50 prospects (most whom are still active by the way) and making my first 4 figure income and this is mainly because of the knowledge i embedded into my self and the infinity downline system.

So what are the biggest problems weighing us down from seeing true success in mlm and network marketing?

#1 Prospecting 

Are you still chasing friends, family and shoppers at the mall? Both you and i know that you wont see any real income by sponsoring just 1 or 2 people into your business. Constant prospecting takes up all your time, and this is valueable time that can be put into training new distributors and having a good retention rate and ultimately solving the attrition problem.

Infinity Downlines unique Reverse 2 up compensation plan enables us to receive unlimited new prospects that are ready to join infinity downline without you having to do all the above. You see we have a list building system that actually refers up the 2nd and 4th members from everyone whom you either personally sponsor or is referred up to you. Check the Compensation Plan for the explanation

#2 No Initial Cash Flow / Income

I think alot of MLM'ers still don't realise that multilevel marketing wasn't designing to make fast money. Its  a long term business that requires you to build a significant organization before you actually start seeing 4,5 or even 6 figure. Plus not to mention you only earn measly 5-20% commissions have to wait for pay day to enjoy the profits of your hard work

Well infinity downline definately solves this problem by implementing an unheard of 100% commission on all sales made. you heard me right 100% COMMISSION ON ALL SALES. The company takes nothing from your efforts and puts back all the revenue to its affiliates. And my favourite part.... INSTANT PAY no more waitning till the end of the month. you get paid instantly and directly the moment someone joins or renews their membership.

#3 Being Abandoned by your sponsor

Don't you just hate it when your upline sponsors you into the business and then goes missing the following week leaving you all alone? OMG this has been a problem for decades!!! Here with infinity downline you BREAK EVEN with your 1st referral there for the entire business is now FREE FOR LIFE

With The 100% commission you get back your startup cost the moment you refer your 1st partner... how cool is that??? So because of the break even with just 1 person we have probably the highest retention rate EVER

#4 Getting Distributors Started Fast aka Duplication

The only way that we are familiar to is attending trainings and business presentations either at home or at the HQ. On an average it would take up to a month or 2 just to get your guys going. Think About this... What if you could log on and attend trainings and business presentations from the comforts of your own home for free instead of travelling through jams and rain and etc??

At infinity downline we have a complete training and marketing system that will go to work for you the instant you join me. We have all the trainings about company and products and even a team site which you can brand yourself too
Check out the team benefits for this one

At this point i kindly invite you to attend our team presentation which is about 14 minutes long to see the amount of value me and the masterminds team brings to the table

Like i mentioned above, if a struggling dj and father of 2 can create 5 figures from this simple $25 opportunity.... my friend if you are not yet apart of this... YOU ARE MISSING OUT!!!!

See You At The Top!!

Karl Cardoza
connect with me on facebook
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Chat me up on skype - karlcardoza

PS : Not everyone will be accepted into my team unfortunately but to get a head start... give me a call..

PPS : I'm not a sales man don't worry.. :)

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