
Easy Infinity Downline Offline Sponsoring Tip

Whats shakin my friends in Infinity Downline World!! Today i have for you a very easy and simple way for you to sponsor reps offline. Theres no special skill needed to do this nor do you have to have some sort of super power.

You would be surprised at the amount of people around you that are looking for a way to create some additional income aside from their primary source of income Ie. a 9-5 job.

It's a simple line that i use for friends, family members and even people whom i have just gotten to know... it seriously works....

So whats the line???

After casual conversations  i simply pop the question

"So Bob Tell Me, Besides your job at xyz company, are you still keeping your options open about earning an additional income?"

They ask doing what...i just say to them that i will facebook them

The link i post on facebook of course leads back to my lead capture page and once they opt in my autoresponder takes over... No explanation needed and i get back to them after i receive my notification from my autoresponder.

Simple and effective and you know what....the dude i sponsored using that method sponsored 6 people using the same method in his first 2 months in the business... not bad

Remember our business is helping people generate additional income with infinity downline. Not SALES

Let the system and our team system do the selling, explaining, convincing and you focus on answering questions and helping them get their account up and running. Be there for them when they need you. Offer personal help for growing their business like 3 way calls, weekly get togethers.

Building relationships is the key to growing a strong business... with that said

Use the line i gave you and go forth and prosper

Also leave a comment below.... Let me know you are ALIVE ...LOL

Rockin it for 2011!!!!

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